Melaleuca Symphyocarpa,

Scientific Name: 

Melaleuca Symphyocarpa

Description: small round multi-stemmed tree 4-10m high with pendulous branches.  Bark rough, dark grey, fibrous to finely fissured.


Flowers: yellow to pale oranage (occasionally red) with numerous stamens, 1-1.5cm long in stalkless globular heads 3-3.5cm in diameter  arising in leaf axils or terminating short branchlets on old wood.

Fruit: small stalkless cone-like woody capsules 0.2-0.3cm x 0.5-0.6cm, fused in globular heads 1.2-1.5cm diameter, brown when ripe, containing numerous fine seeds.

Flowering: periodic.

Fruiting: July - December.